Sunday, August 24, 2008

It rained today, first time since I know when. It was a really happy rain, if rain could be happy, at least for a few minutes until it dissipated it was pretty happy.

Then it just started to all-out rain. My spirit and everyone elses seemed to sink a little. People got angry and I got sad. This weekend I watched the less seen sides of people come out; sides I really wish no one had but I understand why they exist.

A man stole all my sidewalk sale clothes. ALL of them, even the bins they were in. He even threw the "Take & Donate" sign against my fence as though it never existed. Sad thing is I'm well aware of who this person is and their desperation they have, though I don't relate to his exact form of. I know what it's like to need something so bad, a solution, an end-all to something that really doesn't adequately "fix" because you might just "break" that something else in the process but need to do it anyway. It's like, "at least that's over with." A new problem a lot of times seems like a better one. I adhere to that. I'm fairly certain this man had little to nothing, so I will just see it as charity work that I was doing. Inadvertent charity work.

Today I seemed to be the bastardized son of the household that got beat with the short stick. - Whatever, I'll just shake that shit off. Baby aint no thang like just being a lil sad for a day and tomorrow I'm sure I'll be smiling again much bigger.


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